What Are The Benefits Of Using A Kettlebell?

We often see kettlebells sat in the corner of a gym or exercise space, but unless you've seen someone using it, you may not know what you should do with it.

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10 Common Exercise Myths

It is hard enough to start a new fitness regime without being told lots of facts that can put you off. As with many things in life however, many of these facts are actually fiction and should not sway you from beginning your fitness journey.

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5 Ways To Kick Start Your Fitness This New Year

Many of us are guilty of it every New Year's Eve, making resolutions about our health and fitness that we are destined to fail. However, it doesn’t need to be this way. 

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5 Common Running Problems, and Their Solutions

Long-distance running can be exhilarating and a massive boost to your fitness and mental strength. It is however a strenuous activity and can naturally take its toll on the body - with countless chances for potential injuries.

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5 Great HIIT Workouts

5 Great HIIT Workouts

The High-intensity interval training (HiiT) workout follows a simple idea: it’s far more beneficial to do 4-30 minutes of short, physically demanding exercises, than it is to do less exerting exercises over a longer period. HiiT workouts are easy to fit

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Beginner's Guide To Weight Training

Beginner's Guide To Weight Training

Weight training is usually undertaken either as its own set of exercises, or part of a larger workout regime. It doesn’t matter whether it fills up a large part of your day or just half an hour; the benefits of weight training not include bigger muscles

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